Monday, February 21, 2011

A Burst of Color

A few years ago a friend shared a unique plant with us. This plant had long, hardy, green leaves attached to a stem that was a vine. We purchased a metal contraption that looked like the Eifel Tower for the plant to weave itself through. It did just that and seemed to be quite happy with the new home. But we never had a name for the plant.

We enjoy visiting greenhouses and nurseries for the energy found amongst the plants. In the middle of winter this activity is a great way to remind us that spring and summer will be here soon with a variety of color. The plant I mentioned above was in one greenhouse and it had beautiful flowers. Was this a treat that was to come for us even though the original owner had not seen flowers on the plant before?

The question was answered this weekend with a beautiful burst of color on the Hoya Pubicalyx also known as “Silver Pink”. As you can tell from the photo it is a lively mixture of white, pink, and maroon that have lasted for days. What a joy after 13 inches of snow!

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